Local Training/Professional Development Listings
A resource page for upcoming training opportunities and professional development listings.
CoachingforBetterLearning is offering training in Hyattsville, MD. Here is the link: https://coachingforbetterlear
We would like to provide information for you to share with your stakeholders that attended the Maryland Association for Adult Community and Continuing Education. We have provided a PDF description of the Career Pathways Exchange, a free resource funded by the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). We hope that you can share this information with your stakeholders and are happy to provide printed copies for distribution. Below is a brief overview of the resource.
What is the Career Pathways Exchange?
The Career Pathways (CP) Exchange is an information dissemination service that connects interested stakeholders to career pathways information from a variety of sources and partners. The CP Exchange currently has 1904 number of subscribers and was noted in the recently released Career Pathways Joint Letter released by 12 federal agencies on April 28, 2016.
Subscribers receive:
- Current resources and announcements from a growing list of career pathways partners that include federal and state entities, research, professional, and sector-based organizations.
- Tailored information on selected interest areas (e.g., building partnerships, engaging employers, designing education/training programs, etc.).
- The latest discussions, webinars, and events on career pathways via email digests, Twitter, and Facebook.
See the information pdf file here.