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Let your voice be heard!

Tell New and Returning Members of Congress that Adult Education is Important.
Click HERE to take action today!
Thank you for your assistance this past year in helping raise the visibility for adult education programs, which resulted in a $25 million federal funding increase in FY 2019 and staved off $87 million in funding cuts! We need your help again this year, in a challenging funding environment and with a divided Congress, to tell our adult education stories, including the impact of its programs.
As the new Congress gets underway, the appropriations committee is preparing for the FY 2020 funding cycle. One of the most effective ways to raise the awareness of adult education with your Congressional delegation is to send a “program letter” request to each member of the House of Representatives in which your adult education programs are located, and to both of your Senators. Program letter is a technical term for a letter ultimately sent by each member of Congress to the appropriations committee in support of his or her own priorities for funding.
Please use COABE’s “quick fire” ignite software to send an email to all your legislators in the House and Senate. It takes just 3 clicks to do this and reaps incredible results!


Click HERE to take action today!


WIOA is Here!

The MAACCE Board has prepared a statement in response to the new federal legislation that governs adult education and workforce development; you can find it here.

The U.S. Dept. of Labor has provided this fact sheet about the new law, as well as an FAQ.


MAACCE Advocates for:

  • Increased state and federal funding for Maryland, where the need is acute. Current total funding allows only 5% of those in need to be served through combined federal and state dollars allocated to approved state grantee programs and correctional education. Maryland currently invests only $213 per adult learner; the East Coast states’ average investment is $964. Federal funding has been level or slightly less for the past four years.
  • Increased learner support at the programmatic level to include more comprehensive and flexible services. These need to include ESL, family literacy, life and job skill development, diploma achievement, transitions to post-secondary education, and skills enhancement for personal goal enrichment.
  • Increased professional development, which is vital to continued program success. Research shows that quality teachers are key to achieving high learner outcomes.
  • Opportunities to learn and grow – working with colleagues, developing their own skills, and increasing motivation – must continue to be a focal point of our attention and resources.

Download Quick Facts: Adult Education in Maryland and the Need for Additional Funding


Past Advocacy Activity

MAACCE Responds to the Workforce Creation and Adult Education Transition Council Report:

  • The MAACCE Board of Directors supports the work of the Workforce Creation and Adult Education Transition Council and is in agreement with the spirit of the Council’s report for the benefit of adult learners in Maryland.
  • As a partner, we are committed to further prioritizing and implementing the Council’s recommendations.
  • We recognize that implementing the recommendations requires significant additional funding.
  • We will continue to advocate for adequate support to continue and expand exemplary adult education services in Maryland.


Other Advocacy Information

Read the Report of the Superintendent’s Panel on Excellence in Adult Education
Stepping up to the Future

Find your Legislator / Maryland General Assembly Information – Alternately the general switchboard number is: 800-492-7122

Map of Maryland State Government Buildings in Annapolis

Printable Maps: Congressional Districts – 109th Congress

10 Steps To Meeting your Legislator During a Congressional Recess

Communicating with Your Legislator

TESOL’s Interactice US Advocacy Action Center (capwiz)

Guidance on Advocacy

National Council of State Directors of Adult Education

Project Vote Smart Classroom Resources

Pick Your Candidate – A guide for adult learners about the process of making educated decisions at the polls

Public Policy Archives